Publicaciones del equipo investigador de la UdL vinculado al proyecto

  • Mateo J., Florensa D., Pagès-Bernaus A., Plà-Aragonès L.M., Solsona F., Kristensen A.R. 2021. A Cloud-Based Decision Support System to Support Decisions in Sow Farms. In: Krause P., Xhafa F. (eds) IoT-based Intelligent Modelling for Environmental and Ecological Engineering. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 67. Springer, Cham.
  • Abella, A. Pagès-Bernaus, R.N. Pena, J. Estany, L. Fraile, L. Pla-Aragones 2021 Using PRRSV-Resilient Sows Improve Performance in Endemic Infected Farms with Recurrent Outbreaks Animals doi:
  • Plà-Aragonés, L. M., Pagès-Bernaus, A., Nadal-Roig, E., Mateo-Fornés, J., Tarrafeta, P., Mendioroz, D., Pérez-Cànovas, L., & López-Nogales, S. 2020. Economic Assessment of Pig Meat Processing and Cutting Production by Simulation, International Journal of Food Engineering, 16(5-6), 20180100. doi:
  • Nadal-Roig, E., Plà-Aragonès, L.M., Pagès-Bernaus, A.; Albornoz, V.M. 2020 A two-stage stochastic model for pig production planning in vertically integrated production systems. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 176, 2020105615.
  • Nadal, E.; Plà L.M. and Alonso, A. 2019 Production Planning Of Supply Chains In The Pig Industry. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 161 : 72-78
  • Rodriguez, SV. ; L.M. Pla and R. de Castro 2019 Insights into marketing decisions on fattening farms. Animal Production Science. 59(6): 1126-1135
  • Nadal, E.; Pages, A. and Plà L.M. 2018 Bi-Objective Optimization Model Based on Profit and CO2 Emissions for Pig Deliveries to the Abattoir. Sustainability. 10 : 1782
  • Lamnatou, Chr.; X. Ezcurra-Ciaurriz, D. Chemisana and L.M. Pla-Aragones 2016 Environmental assessment of a pork-production system in North-East of Spain focusing on life-cycle swine nutrition. Journal of Clean Production. 137: 105–115
  • Fernandez, Y.; Bono, C.; Babot, D. and Pla, L.M. 2015. Impact of prolificity in sow replacement policies [Impacto de la prolificidad en las políticas de remplazo en explotaciones porcinas].  ITEA 11-2: 127-141. doi: 10.12706/itea.2015.009 (pdf)
  • Nadal, E. and L.M. Plà 2014 Multiperiod planning tool for multisite pig production systems. 92:4154-4160. doi: 10.2527/jas.2014-7784
  • Rodriguez, S.; Plà L.M. and Albornoz, V. 2012 Modelling tactical planning decisions through a linear optimization model in sow farms. Livestock Science. 143: 162-171 (pp)
  • Rodriguez, S.; Jensen, T.B.; Plà, L.M. and Kristensen, A.R. 2011 Optimal replacement policies and economic value of clinicla observations in sow herds. Livestock Science. 138: 207-219