Dr. Pla Aragonés, Lluís Miquel - Co-PI of the research team


Knowledge area: Statistics and Operational Research

  • +34 973 703 318
  • Office: 1.04
    Faculty of Law, Economics and Tourism
    St/ Jaume II, 73
    Lleida 25001, Spain


 Dra. Gil Iranzo, Rosa Maria - Co-PI of the research team

Rosa Gil

Associated Professor

Knowledge area: Languages and Information Systems 

  • +34 973 70 27 42
  • Office: 3.15
    Higher Polytechnic School
    St/ Jaume II, 69
    Lleida 25001, Spain


 Dr. García González, Roberto

roberto garcia

Associated Professor

Knowledge area: Languages and Information Systems

  • +34 973 70 27 42
  • Office: 3.15
    Higher Polytechnic School
    St/ Jaume II, 69
    Lleida 25001, Spain


 Dr. Llagostera Blasco, Pol

Researcher and transfer technician

Knowledge area: Statistics and Operational Research

  • +34 973 703 317
  • Office: 1.03
    Faculty of Law, Economics and Tourism
    St/ Jaume II, 73
    Lleida 25001, Spain


 Dr. Daniel Babot Gaspa

University school professor

Knowledge area: Animal science

  • +34 973 70 25 68
  • Office: 1.2.08
    Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering
    Av. Rovira Roure, 191
    Lleida 25198, Spain

 Dra. Cos Sánchez, Maria Pilar

TEU - University school professor

Knowledge area: Business organization

  • +34 973 703 320
  • Office: 1.06
    Faculty of Law, Economics and Tourism
    St/ Jaume II, 73
    Lleida 25001, Spain


 Ms. Moltó Aribau, Margarita

Moltó Aribau, Margarita

TEU - University school professor

Knowledge area: Business organization

  • +34 973 702 782
  • Office: 1.19
    Higher Polytechnic School
    St/ Jaume II, 69
    Lleida 25001, Spain


 Dra. Pagés Bernaus, Adela

Pagès Bernaus, Adela

University school professor

Knowledge area: Statistics and Operational Research

  • +34 93 803 53 00
  • Office: University Campus of Igualada - UdL
    Av. Pla de la Massa, 8
    08700 Igualada, Spain



 Font Farré, Pau


Data analyst

Knowledge area: Statistics

  • +34 973 703 316
  • Office: 1.02
    Faculty of Law, Economics and Tourism
    C/ Jaume II, 73
    Lleida 25001, Spain


 Bao, Yun


Doctoral student

Knowledge area: Statistics and Operational Research

  • +34 973 207 000 Extensión 3721
  • Despacho: 2.09.1
    Higher Technical School of Agrarian Engineering - Building 4
    Av. Alcalde Rovira Roure, 191
    Lleida 25198, Spain


 Doja, Mihai Catalin

Technical transfer intern

Knowledge area: Computer engineering

  • +34 973 703 318
  • Office: 1.04
    Faculty of Law, Economics and Tourism
    C/ Jaume II, 73
    Lleida 25001, Spain