Impact of the technology to be developed in the project

Pork is notorious for being the most consumed meat in the world. The main pork producers in the world are China, the European Union (EU-28 members), and the USA (FAOStat, 2020). Spain is one of the leaders in production in Europe, the first in pig census and the second in pork produced behind Germany. Spain has 31,471 pig farms of different types, of which 17,251 are fattening farms, almost 55% of the total pig farms (MAPA, 2020). The fattening stage represents 65% of the pork production cost of a 115 kg live-weight pig according to the biannual economic report (DARP, 2021), and is also the main contributor to environmental impacts (Lamnatou et al., 2022).

For this reason, the feeding of the future population and the supply of healthy proteins largely depend on sustainable pig production systems (Spanaki et al., 2022).

Traditionally, farmers have made decisions based on their experience and with little or sometimes no use of technology. But now with the increase in pork consumption and the evolution of the pork sector towards a more integrated pork supply chain (PSC) network, the role of farmers has changed. In recent decades, economies of scale have accelerated the changes from farmers as mere components of the CSP to be coordinated with the rest of the agents in the chain (Nadal-Roig et al., 2019).

For this reason, the digitalization of the sector is of utmost importance and requires more research, specifically focused on pig farms. Our project aims to stimulate progress towards tailored, sustainable, ethical, and attractive digitalization through the use of Decision Support Systems (SSD) powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI).